kdi dctb 216 est une série de 12 mini CD édités par kaon entre 2009 et 2010. Chaque CD comporte une pièce sonore de 12 mn, composée chaque mois par Cédric Peyronnet (+ toy.bizarre orchestra), entre mars 2009 et mars 2010, à partir des observations effectuées et des données relevées par Jude Anderson dans 1 m² de l'Atherton Gardens, ville de Yarra (Melbourne, Australie).

kdi dctb 216, réalisé dans le cadre de la résidence « In–habit # 3 - one square metre », est inspiré par les « Jardins Planétaires » de Gilles Clément, et a été présenté dans sa totalité en concert, en collaboration avec l'artiste sonore australien Jacques Soddell, Jude Anderson directeur artistique de la residence, Tara Gilbee, Katie Sfetkidis, dans l'installation « I'm Dreaming of a French Meadow » à Abbotsford Convent - lieu de la résidence « In Habit » et le site du « French Meadow », le 26 février 2010 à Melbourne

Vous pouvez souscrire à l'ensemble de la série des 12 CD : plus d'informations.
Les souscripteurs reçoivent une pièce complémentaire inédite sur chaque CD.

Distribution : Metamkine, Ferns Rec, Drone Records


kdi dctb 216 is a 12 mini-CD series published by kaon between 2009 and 2010. Each CD contains a 12 minutes sound piece, composed each month by Cédric Peyronnet : toy.bizarre - between March 2009 and April 2010, based on observations and data reported by Jude Anderson about 1 m² of the Atherton Gardens, City of Yarra (Melbourne, Australia) .

This project, is part of the "in-habit # 3 – one square metre" residence and inspired by Gilles Clément's "Jardins Planétaires". The project was presented in its entirety in an installation/concert on February, 26th in Melbourne in collaboration with Australian sound artist Jacques Soddel , Jude Anderson, (Artistic Director of the In-Habit residency), as well as other In-Habit artists at Abbotsford Convent, and refer as well to the convent's "French Meadow" site.

You can subscribe to the whole 12 CD series: more informations.
Subscribers will get an additional unpublished track on each CD of the series.

Distribution : Metamkine, Ferns Rec, Drone records

Jude Anderson – Artistic Director – Punctum

Since 1994 Jude has directed and produced over 45 productions and installations, many of which have been created and toured internationally. Productions she has directed and co-directed have been programmed by some of Europe’s major international festivals.

Jude has produced, directed and taught contemporary performance in Chile, U.S.A, Italy, and France. She returned to Australia in 2001 where she now lives and works in Castlemaine, Victoria. In 2004 she founded the live arts organisation Punctum for which she is Artistic Director. In 2007 she established Punctum’s Live Arts incubator where contemporary arts research and practice is supported and presented.

Jude is also currently developing an international cultural exchange and arts research program - In-Habit, in collaboration with regional, metropolitan and international artists, Punctum, and the Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne. "One Square Metre" is one of 11 works that constitute the In-Habit program.


Cédric Peyronnet

Cédric Peyronnet (aka toy.bizarre / ingeos) is a sound artist working since the ’90 around phonography (Field recordings, “sound hunting”…), soundscapes, using the principles of concrete, acousmatic, electroacoustic music.

His work, whose main theme is the exploration of places by sound recording, listening and sound sculpting, take form of compositions and sound pieces (CD, Vinyl ... more than forty references published since the ‘90), concerts, sound screenings and sound installations.

His works on soundscapes led him to practice “sound mapping” and implement daily the principles of acoustic ecology. On that part, he is also working from time to time in schools, “teaching” kids (Well, and older…) about our “sound environment” and the importance of the ear.

ingeos | k146 | morvan-auxois (k181) |toy.bizarre | kaon | contact